• From January 2024, we will only be accepting online reservations (TableCheck). [Reservation]
News release

News release

Due to the issuance of the state of emergency, business hours will be until 20:00. Alcoholic beverages will be served until 19:00.


The main shop

Thank you for using Ajinoya Main shop.

In response to the "Request for shortening business hours" from Osaka Prefecture, we will shorten the business hours by 20:00 and alcoholic beverages will be served until 19:00 .

Thank you for your understanding.

The shortened business period has been extended until March 7.
Depending on the circumstances, the shortened business period and closing time may be revised.

Ajinoya Main shop

The 2nd shop

Thank you for using Ajinoya 2nd shop.

Due to the "request to refrain from going out" in Osaka Prefecture, the 2nd shop will be temporarily closed for a while.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused by the sudden decision, and thank you for your understanding.

The shortened business period has been extended until March 7.
Depending on the circumstances, the shortened business period and closing time may be revised.

Ajinoya 2nd shop


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