• From Jan 1, 2024, reservations can only be made using the reservation system. [Reservation]
  • *Reservations are not taken during the GW period (April 27 to May 5). Thank you for your understanding.
News release

News release

TOKYU DEPARTMENT STORE Kichijoji Store is on sale at the “Naniwa-no Umaimono-kai” corner on the 3rd floor.


Tokyu Department Store Kichijoji 3F Musashino Marche's “Namihana Delicious Party Corner” “Ajinoya Okonomiyaki Powder” “Ajinoya takoyaki powder” “Ajinoya special sauce” We sell “Frozen Okonomiyaki” in a limited quantity.

In Tokyo, only here . It is sold only here except for the Ajinoya in Osaka.

Please buy at this opportunity.

Sales location

Tokyu Department Store Kichijoji Store 3F Musashino Marche “Marufuku Coffee Store”“Naniwa's Delicious Food Selection Shop” on the side


Site map


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